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The Board and Other Leaders

Our board and committees are all volunteer run. Whether you have a few free hours a month or a year, our community can always use more volunteers with a passion  to help others. Not only will you help Etz Chaim, but you will make new friends and become more entwined in the life of Etz Chaim.  If you are interested in a brief description of the committees, click here

Board of Trustees:

President: Ellen Goodman

Past President: Laura Steinberg

Executive VP: Open

Treasurer: Ann Scholar (temp) - we still need someone for this role

Financial Secretary: Robynn Mann

Board Secretary:

Ritual: Max Saiewitz

Adult Education: Liz Rothman
Hebrew School Education: Ann Scholar
Other Leaders:

Building: Rick Estrin/Alan Friedrich

Fund Raising: Lynne Singer

Social Action: The Board of Trustees

Membership: Lea Badalaty

Roots Editor: Rhoda Jacobs

Sisterhood: Rhoda Jacobs/Marcia Sincoff

Choir: Joyce Kay

Webmaster: Max Saiewitz

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785