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About Us

Congregation Etz Chaim - Monroe Twp Jewish Center is the only full service Reform Congregation in Monroe Twp. Many of the original founding members are still members and now enjoying the fruits of their labor with their grandchildren.

Since 1997, our spiritual leader has been Rabbi Ben Levy. Rabbi Levy retired in June 2022. We are happy to welcome our new Rabbi, Shmuel Polin. 

The purpose of this Congregation is to worship God following the precepts of Judaism; to impart our deep faith and rich heritage to our children; to fulfill our responsibilities to the Jewish people at large; and to practice the principles of freedom and community both individually and collectively and to extend the privilege of worship to all persons of the Jewish faith.

You will find us here every Friday at 6:30pm and every Saturday at 9:30am for Torah Study and 10:30 for worship. Join us after services for Oneg Shabbat.

We are an egalitarian, welcoming community where men, women and children freely participate in the service. We are as casual or formal in dress during services as you wish to be. We do ask that men wear a kippah during all services and that men and women wear a tallit when going to the bimah on Saturday mornings.

Our services are conducted in a mix of Hebrew and English with lots of participation from worshippers. Don't be intimated if you don't know our tunes or how to decode Hebrew, the Rabbi is always willing to help you learn and regular attendence will bolster your ability.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785